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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Press - Entertainment Weekly - Josh Charles talks Sunday’s rising tensions — and why Will hasn’t told Alicia about the investigation

It contains spoilers for tonight's episode. Thanks Sara for the link.

Spoiler here
From the promo for this Sunday’s episode of CBS’ The Good Wife (watch it again below), we know that Diane (Christine Baranski) is done with subtle sexual harassment seminars. She confronts Will (Josh Charles) and tells him Peter (Chris Noth) is coming after him and it’s time to stop sleeping with Alicia (Julianna Margulies). Alicia raised the question of whether they should press pause last week, and Will let her make the call — they probably wouldn’t even if they said they would — and simply agreed. What’s he really feeling as their relationship continues to complicate? ”I think he’s in survival mode. He’s not quite sure what’s coming at him. Is it something that he’s gonna be able to fight?” Charles tells EW. “Obviously, he has really deep feelings for Alicia, but at the same time, Will has worked really hard for a really long time to get where he’s at, and he’s gonna do everything he can to protect that. It’s clear that Diane knows what’s happening. That’s a big deal for Will to be confronted by his partner. They built the firm together. They’ve been through hell and back and have got it to a pretty decent place where they want it. So while it’s hard for Will to swallow, I think he does understand where Diane’s coming from because he would probably feel the same way if it was reversed. But again, when it comes to matters of the human heart, I don’t think all the legal brilliance necessarily comes into play. He’s torn.” 
It seems to us that Will not telling Alicia that he’s had words with Peter and knows he’s under investigation is a dangerous game. The last thing Alicia wants to be (again) is the last person to know something newsworthy about the man in her life. Maybe so, Charles concedes, but he believes Will’s motives are to protect both himself and her. “He wants to believe that he can fight this battle, and he knows that it’s gonna complicate things at work and complicate things with their relationship,” he says. “He also doesn’t want to burden her with something. This is a secret that he’s been carrying around for a while. I think his motives are twofold, professional and personal. I think it does come out of a place of wanting to protect her and to not over complicate her life.”


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